General Financial
Lead Text
1. Is there an organizational chart clearly defining lines of authority and responsibility within the unit?
2. Is there a current policies and procedures manual in the department covering all functions? Is there a systematic procedure to keep them updated?
3. Are all funds and accounts reviewed monthly and variances or deficits noted, analyzed and reported to management with corrective action taken?
4. Are all financial funds or accounts assigned to a responsible person who is accountable as part of their duties for properly managing the fiscal resources?
5. Does the department maintain the detail for all journal entries prepared and submitted to the general ledger?
6. Are the results of unit operations monitored through the use of measurable performance indicators? Are written reports required by management to evaluate performance?
7. Do supervisors meet regularly and informally with management? Do reports highlight significant or unusual variations?
8. Does the department have procedures for monitoring compliance?
9. Are records maintained in accordance with the records retention guidelines?
10. Does department record and track issuance of keys?
11. Are all department employees who work with student records familiar with FERPA policies?